I heard this quote during this interview with Elizabeth Gilbert (still my super hero) and it struck me as so totally perfect that I had to stop and write it down. And add a candle.
I love this definition of a spiritual and creative process. I love it because it is all-the-time-constant...except when you are asleep. It is all-encompassing and it requires mindfulness. So. Much. Mindfulness. Which is something I need.
So, when I am not really paying attention to what my husband is saying, then that is the quality of my spiritual and creative practice. And that is not good. It is not who I want to be for him or for me.
Or if I am watching something idiotic on TV or clicking on stupid stuff on Facebook, that aside from not enhancing my intellect, spirituality, or general well-being, isn't even very entertaining, then that is the quality of my spiritual life, and that isn't good either. I could maybe stop and do something more worthwhile, or at least more fun and engaging.
Relationships are everything. With ourselves and with the people we love and with the people we don't love, but who are still here on the planet with us. So, why shouldn't they be our spiritual practice?